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Working Remotely with ImageTrust & Box 

As everyone begins to work remotely, access to physical content becomes more critical.



Create a digital mail solution to enable remote mail delivery.

In Office Content 

Grant access to physical content locked  behind office walls.

Remote Capture

Capture directly while working within Box with small desktop scanners.

Disaster Recovery

Setup remote production scan centers to deliver batches of work to in-home employees. 

The way we work is rapidly changing...Requiring us to deploy solutions that break down the limitations of traditional on-premise technology.

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Organizations of all shapes and sizes are scrambling to implement a home-based, virtualized workforce overnight.  This is impossible if employees lack easy access to mission-critical documents only available from their office. 

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Your Price - $340.00

Don't let Office Closures, Executive orders, and Content limitations impact your business. 

Image Access has a suite of solutions that make it easy to get your paper and digital documents into a secure cloud-based platform like Box. As a result, your remote operators can access any document, anywhere/anytime from any browser-enabled device within Box. Deployment options are endless and from Private Cloud, to Public Cloud, to On-Prem.


ImageTrust capture can enable your organization to shift business critical scanning operations to remote or temporary locations. As a fully web-based platform ImageTrust can be deployed within minutes, granting employees access via a URL. This solution architecture drives remote productivity with no help from your organizations technical team.


With Box, users can securely store and manage all of their files while supporting real-time collaboration with their team, partners, and vendors. And for IT, getting set up is incredibly simple. Until now customers have not realized that having access to content outside the firewall is critical to the efficiency of their operations. 


ImageTrust is compatible with any Twain/Isis scanner, multi-function device, and Android or IOS smartphones. We realize content comes in various forms dependent upon the application and we can make device recommendations to ensure future-proofed image quality. Image Access is the largest scanner re-seller in the US and can provide these devices prior to  COVID-19 distribution related shutdowns.

Press Play to see how easy it is for employees to manage batches of physical and digital content within Box.

As you can see, embedded Box capture is simple and easy with our ImageTrust plug-in. For batch scanning we can enable ImageTrust drop down lists allowing the scan operator to choose the type of content and the intended recipient. Content will then arrive in the desired Box folder or sub-folder for continued work. 

Dealing with sharing sensitive content in Box?

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As more and more content is being shared digitally the inadvertent and unintentional risk of shared PII has become a major consideration among our enterprise customers. ImageTrust offers automated redaction with Box versioning control to ensure secure content collaboration.

No way to access a scanner? 


With employees working remote not everyone may have access to a scanning device, but nearly everyone in today's day in age has a smartphone. ImageTrust can be delpoyed on any Android or IOS device to allow images to be taken, cropped, and organized.

Interested in  a Digital Mail Solution?

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Visit our dedicated Digital Mail page to learn more 

To schedule a demo today:

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